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BIO 444 Biology Senior Seminar: Research Process

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Senior Thesis Topic Selection

Senior Thesis topics may be experimental or may be based on a study of the published literature on your chosen subject. The topic must be relevant to your major and there must be a significant body of published literature on the topic. Some recommendations:  look at senior theses which were completed by past students; do some general background reading about your topic; look at the chapters in your textbooks.

Research is not linear

  1. Keep a research log that tracks the databases, search terms used, number of results
  2. Create database account
  3. Create folders within the database
  4. Save results to your folder
  5. Save the search string
  6. Create a search alert



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Mon- Thu 8am-10pm
Fri 8am-5pm

Sat  Closed

Sun 12pm-6pm